We all want to bring meaning to Tisha B’av, yet many of us struggle with this when there are children to take care of. The day can easily become mundane and run of the mill, with a “Ma, I’m booooredddd” leading to a “Ma, I’m HUNGRY!” (Me too, kid, me too.) Here are some ideas with activities that will keep your littles busy, in a way that also reminds them of what this day is all about.

Bais Hamikdash Theme Activities:

Popsicle Stick/Any Building Material Structure

Start by telling your children that we are so sad that the Bais Hamikdash is no longer standing… That’s why the adults are fasting, and not sitting on regular chairs, etc. Then ask if they want to build their very own Bais Hamikdash? Bonus: You can use this structure to hold little mitzvah notes that you write for the child throughout the day. Anytime you notice them doing something good, write it on a small note and have your child place it in their mikdash! At the end of the day you can decide how you would like to reward the good behavior…

Print this Puzzle

Depending on the age of your child, they might just want to color this.

Cut Out and Build This Model of the Beis Hamikash
Another way to bring meaning to the day for the older children! You’ll need to download and print both files for this project.

Create Art for Someone!

Greeting Card Kit
Have your children make a greeting card for a loved one! It’s a great way to keep them busy plus do something nice for someone! If you have the energy, putting the envelope in the mailbox is super exciting, too!


Send a Full Size Hug

Trace the child on a large piece of butcher block paper and let the child decorate the paper however she pleases! Then fold up and mail to a loved one to send them a full sized hug in the mail!


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