Hi, thanks for your status, it’s great! Can you please post a question? My 4 year old daughter keeps on getting lice, It seems to be coming from one specific neighbor.. To tell her not to play with her is not an option. Does anyone have any products they use to get rid of it, or any recommendations how to go about this? Thanks 

RT, Brooklyn NY

“Put some rosemary oil in a spray bottle and use it every morning. There’s a shampoo conditioner set from Amazon. (Linked below) These two together work like a charm. When the school was infested my daughter was clear bh!  “

“Drops of tea tree oil in the shampoo. Cut hair really short. Use a finely toothed comb  “

“My kids get a squirt of liquid kyolic every morning. You need to train them young to handle it…but bribe them or give them grape juice right after. It really works! .”

“Spray her hair with a mix of vinegar and water. Lice don’t go for the smell. It’s worth it. Rather than checking her all the time.  “

“After she gets it clean she should comb her hair with a comb dipped in vinegar every week. Once it dries it doesn’t smell. “

“Professional lice remover recommended spraying a mix of the yellow listerine and tea tree oil on tightly braided hair to help keep lice away. “

“Same amount of olive oil, dish soap & baking soda! Mix well… rub into hair, let sit for 10-12 mins, wash hair, clean of lice… do it a couple of days in a row, she will be clean!!! Then do it once or twice monthly, or as needed. “

I can’t believe no1 recommended DR 
FISCHER shampoo. It works wonders for lice. It has a good smell but the lice don’t go for it. My mother used it on us regularly for nits/lice prevention and 1 year my sister’s entire class had it besides her! 

“As a mother you should not allow your daughter to play with the neighbor. Its not an option. Other mothers won’t  allow their children to play with your daughter if your daughter has lice. Having lice prevents your child from being allowed to go to school. If you want to help the neighbor definitely recommend a cream or a way to get rid of the lice but your daughter shouldn’t be playing with a child who has lice. Explain to your daughter that its unhealthy. Im sure they get it with covid and germs.  “

“If ur neighbor is infected itll keep coming back to you. Some ppl have no idea how to deal with lice. I had something similar. I’m a professional checker so I was able to offer my services to this neighbor. Who was shocked by what I found! Be careful before u jump. It’s often not the dirty kid on the block. Often it’s that “perfect” mother in denial. U can make a blanket statement to all neighbors. My kids keep getting lice. It seems to be coming from someone on the block. Can everyone pls check their kids. Or have a professional come one evening for everyone. “

“Hi, I’m the one that asked the lice 
question… In between I heard about a product decided to try, didn’t wanna reply until I made sure it’s completely gone… 
It’s 4 weeks already and bh she’s clear!! 
Lice free Kit All-In-One Complete Lice Killing Treatment, Daily Maintenance Shampoo (linked below) “


This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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