“Can you ask followers this question? My son is obsessed with all kinds of nosh, and especially candy. We try to limit MSG snacks and candy to Shabbos, but I was wondering if your followers had any advice on how to deal with this. Thanks!”

TG, Monsey NY

“I’m wondering if his candy obsession is maybe coming bec of all the kids he sees that get from their tutors? Maybe it’s a void that he’s feeling and therefore wanting it even more? Like he seeing kids getting it throughout the day… I’ve also heard that kids who crave sugar could be coming from too much yeast in body so taking a daily probiotic is a great option. Also, try not to turn it into a thing,
so if it’s already a situation and an argument, it might be worth it to start giving it more often and willingly, as in daily when he gets home. or after supper… his void will fill and then he won’t desire it as much. But give probiotics, too. “

“Maybe print some articles out on negative effects of candy and msg on kids. Explain what it does inside the body and how msg causes learning difficulties. It will make him understand why you don’t allow excessive amounts and that its for his good. Also there are healthy alternatives to sweets. Fruit cups with berries, grapes, and cut up fruit with a toothpick in it to eat them with is fun and delicious. Also u can give him an option that if he goes a full week with no candy he can choose his Shabbos candy himself.”

“I’ve had ups and downs with my kids but my mother didn’t give a lot of candy every day and when I went to people that did have candy I would overindulge… I find that I give my kids candy after supper and they eat nicely and half the times they forget. If they know they can have.. it’s not a big deal anymore My suggestion definitely give one a day and he’ll probably stop asking SO much. “

“Sometimes kids who have an abnormal craving for sweets, have too much yeast internally. A good probiotic might help curb the cravings.”

“I told my son every day after he finished supper he can take a candy. Told him to sneak it so he’s the only one getting it. It has helped a lot bh.”

“There’s nothing wrong with msg. Some ppl claim they get headaches but there were studies on ppl who said they were sensitive to it and the ones who got the placebo also complained. If you don’t feel any symptoms from it then it’s definitely fine for you. It’s a naturally occurring substance in food. Msg- free foods add more salt instead which is probably worse for most people. Sugar, though! Lots more problems there.”

“Pay him instead! My mom used to give us money for our soda, sour sticks, etc. We loved it, she would take us to a cool toy store every other month to buy with our nosh money.”

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