“Can you ask your followers if anyone had experience getting rid of pinworms once and for all in their kids- is there any tried and true method?”

LW, Brooklyn NY

“Keeping their nails short and very clean is really important… under the nails can collect dirt and germs which can bring pinworms. Something that works is to sleep overnight with a pice of fresh garlic inside… it kills the pinworms.
Always works!”

“After treating everyone in the family with reeses over the counter, treat again 2 weeks later. Also change linens and wash in hot water each time. And wash all non delicate clothing in hot water always, if you have someone prone to it in your family. Plus for the first 2 weeks, have all those affected bag and tie their underwear upon removal until they are washed. Good luck!”

“Cut a very very very small piece of fresh garlic rub it in Vaseline and stick it in child like a suppository before bedtime. They’ll be gone the next morning.”

“Cut the nails very short, always! Also, sugar breeds pinworms, so no sugar at all!! Especially winkies/’aspirin’ candies.”


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  • Posted October 27, 2021 4:14 am 0Likes
    by Anon

    U must get her on wormwood it’s an herbal treatment that really kills out all the parasites and their eggs
    Go to ur local healthfood store / pharmacy and get a wormwood combination with black walnut
    The best for little kids is the VF syrup by christopers original formula . For someone who can swallow pills , Kroegers herb wormwood combination capsules and fresh garlic or dr garlic drops

  • Posted October 27, 2021 4:06 am 0Likes
    by GL

    Paragaurd did the magic for my kids. It’s drops sold in the health food store.

  • Posted October 27, 2021 3:08 am 0Likes
    by lyeah schweitzman

    Keep candies/sweets to a minimum. Try Kyolic (garlic drops) put a few drops into orange or pineapple juice. The worms don’t like the acid and garlic. You can get the drops in any health food store or look in your local grocery in the health food aisle near the vitamins. Hatzlacha Raba!

  • Posted October 27, 2021 12:22 am 0Likes
    by Gitty

    Fulvic acid is a natural product that helps body get rid of toxins and foreign things. It really worked to clear pinworms naturally in my kids

  • Posted October 27, 2021 12:11 am 0Likes
    by Sara

    Nee Utrecht pharmacy makes there own medicine which works way better then vermax or pinex. Have ur doctor call it In

  • Posted October 27, 2021 12:08 am 0Likes
    by Toby

    Cina (homeopathi) also helps really well.

  • Posted September 1, 2020 9:24 pm 0Likes
    by YoMa

    I can’t help you with the root of the problem. But fizz candies ,aspirin candies, winkies etc. activate it

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