By: Rechy Lowinger

This summer, make that photo shoot with your children a drop less painful and way more beautiful with these easy to follow tips!

1. Color Palette

Here’s my color palette recommendation for summer 2021!

Wear summery colors like white, pink, beige, or denim for a sporty look. Try to match the clothes to the location. For example, if you are taking photos in a field of grass, white outfits will look really sharp. For a more casual vibe, dress your family in denim!

2. Poses

Extra Tip: Saying a morah’s name also usually brings out smiles.

When you have a large family, it can be difficult to figure out a way to set them up nicely for a picture. The trick to better posing is to try to position the subjects to form a triangle. I usually put the taller older people in middle (with them holding the babies) and the shorter people on the 2 sides, which forms a triangle shape. For more natural pictures, have the kids interact with each other- hugging and kissing, telling each other secrets, and doing action poses like running or jumping together.

3. Lighting

If you do take pictures when it is very sunny, you could put your subject standing at a wall of any large building, since that is usually blocked from the sun.

Never take photos directly under the sun on a sunny day- this will cause harsh shadows on the subject, and bad lighting. When taking pictures, the subject should stand with their back to the sun, which will create a beautiful golden halo of light.
You can take the picture while bending down for a cool angle. Alternatively, you can try to find an area with a lot of trees that will give you complete shade without many shadows from the trees.

Try to take pictures early morning or before sunset, when the sun is soft and lower down. This is referred to as golden hour. On a cloudy overcast day, make sure the subject stands facing whatever sun there is. 

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Rechy Lowinger Photography

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