A while back, y’all shared your favorite Shabbos dip recipe, and we compiled them here for you! Enjoy, and drop a comment with your favorite dip recipe if you don’t see it here!

Jalapeno Dip

7 jalapenos
1 cup mayo
4 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp sugar
dash of salt and pepper

Blend in food processor. Note: Do not touch seeds or pepper with bare hands. The more seeds you leave in, the spicier it will be!

Parsley Dip

6 cubes frozen parsley
5 cubes frozen garlic
2 cups mayo
salt/pepper as needed

This is a bit strong, so you can start with less and adjust as needed.

Leek Dip

2 leeks, chopped
2 Tbsp mayo
1 tsp mustard
salt/pepper to taste


Crunchy Pickle Dip

6 sour pickles
1-1.5 cup mayo
half bunch dill
3 cloves garlic
juice of one lemon


Garlic Olive Salad

1 container olives, sliced
4-5 cloves fresh garlic, sliced
onion powder

Cover the above with olive oil and let marinate in fridge for at least 8 hours.

Roasted Veggie Dip

1 container grape tomatoes, roasted
4 jalapeños, sliced and roasted
1/2-1 bunch fresh parsley,
3-4 cloves garlic
a bit of oil

Blend in food processor. Note: Do not touch seeds or pepper with bare hands. The more seeds you leave in, the spicier it will be!

Olive Dip

1 can or jar of olives
1 cup mayo
garlic powder/salt to tast

Blend in food processor.


1 can techina
1.5 cans water
1 clove garlic
1 Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp lemon juice

Blend in food processor. Top with parsley flakes.

NOTE: for an amazing flavor variation, sub 1/4-1/3 of the water for pickle juice (sour or israeli pickles)

Tomato Dip

3 plum tomatoes
2 cloves garlic
dash of red pepper flakes
almost full cup of oil

Blend all ingredients EXCEPT the oil in food processor. Slowly slowly pour in the oil, as the food processor is going, until desired consistency is reached.

Roasted Eggplant

2 eggplants, roasted on fire or in oven.
Techina, parsley, olive oil, paprika, to serve

Roast eggplants as desired. Slit open, then mix up the inside, and either mix in or top with rest of ingredients.

No-Tahini Chummus

1 can chickpeas
1/4 cup oil
1 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp mayo
Salt/pepper to taste

Blend in food processor. Top with parsley and paprika


3 eggplants
4 cloves garlic
3/4 cup mayo
salt/pepper to taste
lemon juice, optional

Wrap each eggplant in silver foil and roast directly over the flame on your grate, rotating the eggplant every 8 minutes or so. Let cool. Scoop out the flesh OR place with peel (for that darker gray color and a more intense smokey flavor) into food processor with other ingredients and blend.



  • Posted October 8, 2020 11:58 pm 0Likes
    by Esty

    Thanks for the dip roundup. We made the techina for yom tov & it was a hit!

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