The clock changing has made it official… winter is HERE. As the chill settles in, and more of us opt to stay indoors, the organization bug may hit you. We know many live in small spaces, and looking on Pinterest for inspiration may just make you want to weep. Cuz, honestly, if we had 4,382,482 extra square feet to play around with, DUH our houses would look just like theirs. (And extra $$$… yeah yeah yeah) We know. We got you.

Re-organizing your home doesn’t have to mean spending a fortune. It can mean using what you have, or a limited budget to get some new items. We love this playroom makeover by Tzipora Izsak from Make my Space, and we hope it inspires you, but doesn’t pressure you.

Let’s start with a little photo montage of this makeover, shall we?

This is a good idea of what the space looked like ‘before’. The white storage shelving unit was the only ‘real’ closet, and it was too shallow to fit the largest size bins.

Everything was taken out so stock could be taken. Items were sorted by category.

The right shelves were ordered and assembled. The old shelf was sold. Containers were purchased en masse!

The final result!

Item details: Shelving unit- amazon, mini sofa- Home Goods, stuffed animal cage-, containers- (reach out to Tzipora for specifics), rug amazon, wall art- amazon, art frames- amazon, puzzle bags- amazon. As an Amazon associate I earn from all qualified purchases.

Here are the changes made that made all the difference:

  1. The kitchen set was moved to the kitchen. The kids were not playing with it and it was only causing a huge mess, and served as a ‘dumping ground’ for random other toys. Now, the kids play with it while the mom is prepping dinner in the kitchen, and the mess there is contained.
  2. The ‘cage’ for the stuffed animals and dolls was sawed down to half its original size. It was way too big before, and random stuff just got thrown in. Now, there is a specific spot for it, and it just makes sense.
  3. The corner shelf was not serving a purpose. After trying to find a use for it unsuccessfully, it was sold as well.
  4. Dress up clothes got relegated to a bin on top of the shelving unit, as well as large cars/trucks. Having those items out of reach means the kids need to ask for help taking it down, limiting usage to when mom allows it.
  5. Books were organized by color, which seems crazy, but actually helps the kids put the books back where they belong on their own.
  6. The mini sofa was brought in from the living room, to make a cozy reading nook.

It’s all in the details… We love the bags for puzzles and games, eliminating bulky boxes. They’re all labeled, and the instructions/cover is cut out and placed inside as well.

How to Start: Take Inventory of What You Have

By emptying out all the closets, and really seeing what you own, you can then make educated decisions about how much space you *really* need to store everything, as well as what can be dumped, stored, sold, or donated.

Sort, sort, sort!

Again, once everything is out, start sorting! This is super time consuming, and annoying, but definitely a very necessary part of the organizing process. You can then decide whether you want to dump, donate, keep, store, sell.

Once this is done, you can figure out how much storage you actually still need for the remaining items. Drop off those donation items, place the storage items in storage! And post items for sale, but stay realistic of resale values, etc.

The next steps are completely up to you. In this makeover, Tzipora realized the pieces the person had for the playroom were just not working. Instead, she suggested purchasing a classic cube organizer, and containers as needed. You may find you need to let go of old pieces of furniture that are just not working for the space or the items you own, or make do with what you have on hand.

Labels are also optional. You can go with classic labels from a label maker, which is relatively inexpensive, and can be used around the house. Tzipora used both custom made labels, as well as the classic labels from the label maker for this playroom.

Feeling inspired? Reach out to Tzipora on her Instagram page or give her a call at 347-598-8529, and start your organization journey!


  • Posted November 22, 2020 2:56 pm 0Likes
    by Jacqueline Kapetas

    Hi i love this post!!
    the link for the shelves took me to Walmart.

    • Posted November 22, 2020 3:26 pm 0Likes
      by N'shei News

      Yes, it’s under better home and gardens brand, these were purchased from walmart.

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