“There are always articles written on how to deal with a child who is bullied by others. I have a different question: what do I do if my child is a bully?”

HS, Monsey, NY

“First, mom needs to understand why her child is bullying. Lack of attention? Anger towards the
bullied?.. Mom can find books about bullying and discuss it with her child-the
do’s and don’t s. If all else fails mom should give a consequence to the child in a way that child will understand”l’m being punished this way because l was
mean to so and so””

“Do put your child into therapy to
find out why he’s bullying. Possible
he was bullied in the past.”

“Try not to blame the child. Try to get to the root of the issue- is the child suffering from low self esteem? Does the child lack friends or is being bullied themselves? Is the child seeking attention? Try to give the child positive attention.”

“People always say: build up your child. Make sure your child is up to par. Invest in your child. Your child could be perfectly fine,
healthy, socially okay, yet there might be a child in their class or neighborhood that is out to get them. I find the mothers of these kids are the same way. They usually mirror how their
parents act.”

“My child was a bully at one point.I asked him- how would you feel if that person would do this to you? I had zero tolerance level for this. If I would get a complaint that he’s bullying a different child I kept him
indoors. Yet I found mothers were criticizing it. They would ask me- why do you care as long as he’s the bully and not the victim?”

“I’ve heard of inviting the bullied child over to the bullies house for a playdate. And recently I heard of a story where a father found out his daughter is a bully so instead of
taking his daughter on a shopping spree like they planned, he took the child that his daughter was bullying
on a shopping spree.”

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