“Is it possible to post this question to your followers? I suffer from severe migraines and I was wondering if I should be doing anything specific to prevent them or help them go away once they start. Thanks in advance!”

SS, Brooklyn NY

“Omg contact me! So do I. A dr once told me to take 2 Motrin and 2 Tylenol together at the start of the headache. I like to tie a sock around my head that helps me. I also take excedrin, advil migrane and I make sure to stay away from aspartame and drinks with artificial sweeteners and of course you have to drink drink drink! “

“It’s a kind of therapy called craniosacral therapy. Works with the alignments in the body. They also advise which foods to stay off which will help ease migraines. “

“Take an ice cube place on ur forehead where the migraine is with most pressure. 30 seconds On and off. Usually will help.”

“I’ve suffered from migraines and headaches for years. So far no cure but here are some things that really helped my migraines. I now get them less often and less severe than i used to. 
Here’s a few suggestions in no particular order. 
A. Speak to a neurologist to find a preventative prescription medicine you can take every day. 
B. Go to sleep and wake up almost the same exact time every day. 
C. Migralief! it is an over the counter supplement you can buy on Amazon. It is a a mix of a few vitamins and it has cut my headaches in half! You will only start seeing results after around 6 week. 
D. Peppermint essential oil is amazing for when you actually have the migraine. Put a few drops on ur temples and back of your neck. It has a really amazing cooling and  calming effect. 
E. This one is not so black and white some doctors say caffeine is horrible for headaches and some Say it helps. I am in no way addicted to caffeine but when I do have a headache I take Naoroven with some coffee and it works amazing. Caffeine is an aid to pain killers and helps them work works like a charm for me. 
F. Make sure you drink always! Always stay hydrated 
G. Take pain killers (Advil, Tylenol, Alleve etc) as SOON as you feel the migraine coming on, if you catch it in the beginning it is more likely to help. 
H. Stay active. Exercise /walk even a short amount of time regularly. 
Two more points: 
I. In order to prevent rebound headaches ( headaches that come because it got use to meds and you didn’t take meds one say) Do not take painkillers more than four times in a week and for me personally although Excedrin worked like a charm, it caused horrible rebound headaches. 
J. Log the migraines, write what day it happened and your symptoms and what you did in order to help them and if it helped or not. This will help you and your doctor be able to figure out a solution. “

“Some people say the alcat test, people can be allergic to random things creating migraines… it can also be stress, and for some, it can be flat feet since it affects the way you stand and hurts the back, best to get orthopedic inserts for shoes…”

“I suffer terribly from migraines, too. I would recommend you see a good neurologist that specializes in headaches. I take vitamin b2 daily to help prevent/reduce migraines, when I have a severe migraine the only thing that helps is zolmitriptan prescribed by my doctor, there’s a new treatment which I’m hoping insurance will approve. It’s called aimovig and emgality, it’s a shot once a month that’s supposed to significantly reduce your migraine days. “

“Botox helps a lot too !! On forehead area “

“Riboflavin supplements. “

“I would suffer terribly from sinus headaches, I went to a plastic surgeon and he sent me for X-rays of my nose. it was very broken and I wasn’t breathing well at all. i got surgery for it and bh l am much better and I got a nose job as a bonus. “

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“Sarno method!”

This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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