“Would any of your followers know of a solution or what causes babies’ eczema? Creams just don’t seem to work and poor baby is always itching himself till he bleeds. Thanks!”

CK, Brooklyn NY

“You need a good allergist! My baby had a staph infection that was causing some of the eczema, the rest went away with an anti yeast and anti fungal cream. Obviously make sure no food or environmental allergies..”

“Doesn’t matter the cream. Always apply when skin is still moist like after bath when skin is wet.Recommended by a top dermatologist. “

“Hi! I know the pain! As a mom and a sufferer. I’m 24 and when the seasons or my food intake changes I still get terrible flare ups. As a baby my parents made sure to constantly vacuum carpets and keep me away from dust and moist areas. Prescribed creams don’t do anything. But Aquafor after a bath really soothes the pain. It’s so painful!”

“My kid had to go off milk completely. Also was allergic to tomatoes, garlic, whole wheat, sesame, tree nuts (not peanuts). And even off all of that, that the creams only helped so much. We tried some magnetic mumbo jumbo that someone recommended (yes we were that desperate) and it worked!! Still cant believe i did it. Traveled to Monroe every Sunday for like 4 months. After we were done with that stuff he wasn’t allergic to anything! Still a bit lactose intolerant but no eczema. He still has super dry skin and scratches sometimes till he bleeds. It’s environmental, we live in the very polluted new york…. summer is better than dry winter. “

“I heard from a friend that Eucrisa was the only one that helped her son. “

“Poor baby. Some people say eczema is an allergy some say not but that it’s triggered by an allergy. Not sure what the exact difference is however.. The point is.. There can be something triggering it and you can try to find out if it’s like a soap, detergent, or food like cows milk, wheat etc. I have heard of Aveeno for eczema Aquaphor etc. And other special creams.. I also know someone who had it so bad and takes her kid to Switzerland for the summer because the air there clears it up.”

“I stopped using scented body wash and detergents..it helped tons”

“There is hazlewood jewelry that she could try for her baby. It is supposed to help.”

“Sometimes allergies. Even in the mother’s milk. Try avoiding milk, nuts, eggs. See if it helps.”

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“My first 2 kids have eczema. My Dr. advised moving to a new house (as there was likely mold in the walls) and bH since we’ve moved my other children born since don’t have it. I use coconut oil to moisturize the skin of my kids with eczema and only a tiny amount of cortisone cream when there are flare ups. Bleach baths also help and rid the skin of irritants and germs and help to prevent MRSA. Hope this helps. Hatzlacha!”

This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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