There are two types of Jewish moms when it comes to Purim. The one who asks her kids what they want to dress up as, and goes to the local costume shop and gets the most polyester shiny looking one. And then there’s the theme people. Sigh. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you. The ones who meticulously plan a theme and convince their five year old son that OF COURSE YOU WANT TO BE A BUNNY RABBIT, DON’T YOU KNOW BUNNY RABBITS ARE THE STRONGEST AND FASTEST AND SCARIEST ANIMAL!! But then they reassure you (themselves) that said child can be whatever they want on masquerade day at school!! (Whatever they want that is in the dress up box- I mean c’mon do you think we’re made of money we’re not buying a costume just for masquerade day in school that’s just baal tashchis.) Anyways… here are some theme ideas for those aspiring-to-be-theme-moms-but-really-you’re-a-costume-shop-polyester-mom! Cheers!

Cops and Robbers:

Red Riding Hood:

Baseball Team:


Race Car Driver:

Vintage Pilot:

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