All rulings below are in accordance with Beis Din of Karlsburg in Borough Park, Brooklyn. Please refer to your own Rav with individual shailos.

We’ve all had those moments where we’ve been like, ‘Wait… Is this sheimos?’ It’s hard to remember offhand and when one is in the moment. The halachos of sheimos are very intricate, and this article can not cover all the ins and outs. We will only touch upon some that affect your everyday life.

1. Yarmulkes

Yarmulkes are not sheimos in any way. You can throw these out without wrapping them.

2. Tzitzis

Tzitzis are considered sheimos. Even if one of the strings fall off, they are still considered to be sheimos and should be taken care of accordingly.

3. Papers with Divrei Kedusha

Any papers brought home that contain two or more words from a passuk on one line are sheimos and should be dealt with as such. If there are less than two words on a line, the paper should be double wrapped before discarding.

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