“Help! Can’t seem to get rid of strep in my kids and I forever get it. And the worst part is, never with regular symptoms. Knee pain, earache, itching in weird places.. how can I prevent?”

TL, Lakewood NJ

“In my case taking off from dairy helped. My son had strept ongoing for a year. It’s been a year since”

“We had this in my family and it was going in circles between all the kids. The doctor prescribed
antibiotics for the whole family for about a month so we got rid of it once and for all. Its been only a rare occasion since then that anyone got strep.”

“I had a nephew like that- the kids threw away their pacifiers which they were all sharing and the strep disappeared. Also, check for PANDAS”

“Interesting idea, someone told me that she started saying Asher yatsar inside with kavana , her kids stopped getting strep… I started
doing that too and my kids have no strep for a few months already! I was forever at the Dr !
Worth it to give it a try”

“Oral probiotic. Worked for my 5 year old with recurrent strept. Give it a night after brushing teeth and dont eat or drink after. Chewable.”

“Fermented garlic, fermented onion, fermented tumeric. Since I started giving it my kids dont get strept anymore. Bh.”

“Sterilize everything after a few days on antibiotics. Wash linen…throw away toothbrush…”

“Possible that someone in your
family who doesn’t have symptoms is a carrier. It may be wise to get everyone tested and maybe even treated at the same time even those without symptoms. “

“Me and my child used to suffer
every other month as well until we started taking vitamin d and a probiotic on a daily basis Bh a year has passed my child had no strep so far!”

This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

1 Comment

  • Posted September 1, 2020 9:23 pm 0Likes
    by YoMa

    Sinus rinse

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